Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Photos of the Millennium (so far)

This Photo is of a tiny child assisting an elderly woman after the effects of Katrina. This photo really affects me, not because I was personally affected by Katrina, but because as soon as this happened I began my life of community service. When I was little I wanted to help the children in New Orleans by sewing them clothes. My mom got me a sewing machine and I quickly got started sewing. I wasn't too good starting out, and I quickly realized that I wasn't going to be able to do much to help the ones in need in New Orleans. So my mom did some research and found a local charity in town that I started to volunteer for. The organization is called Newborns in Need. It is a local not for profit that creates care packages and emergency packages to be delivered to hospitals in Springfield and surrounding areas. I was 6 years old when I started and since then have received many awards for my volunteer work. I am very proud of my family and I for the amount of people we have touched by just donating our time to help those in need. I want to further my volunteer work out into the world in the years to come.

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