Friday, May 5, 2017

101 Things About Me

1. I talk to traffic lights as I drive, saying "Please stay green, please stay green..." and when the lights stay green I say thank-you. When they turn red, I reprimand myself for being so crazy.
2. Mornings are my favorite time of the day.
3. I was born on the cusp of Gemini and Cancer, but I have more Cancer Characteristics.
4. I am backpacking Europe in Summer 2018.
5. I am a terrible liar. If I lie, it's written all over my face.
6. I look forward to my cup of coffee in the morning.
7. My favorite color is White, but all of my friends tell me that white is not a color.
8. I have a little sister and an older sister who I love.
9. My older sister has a baby on the way due in September 2017.
10. I get cranky when I'm hungry.
11. I drive a Jeep Grand Cherokee
12. I would love to write a book, but I can think of nothing to write about except myself. I figure no-one would want to buy it, so why bother.
13. Saturday is my favorite day of the week.
14. I am a terrible speller.
15. I sort my clothes by color, starting with white and ending in blue.
16. I sometimes fear that I will not live long enough to do all that I want to do.
17.  I eat when I am bored... and when I am happy... and sad... and stressed...
18.  I believe that practice makes perfect, but I want to be good now.
19. Fall is my favorite season.
20. Sometimes I have cereal for dinner, and I am completely okay with that.
21. I wear glasses.
22. I used to watch Americas Next Top Model, while eating a tube of cookie dough.
23. I love to go skiing, I am a snow bunny.
24. My cousin is Cat Zingano, aka Alpha Cat, one of the top female fighters in the UFC.
25.  I love storms but thunder can scare me at times.
26. I love the smell of rain, fresh cut grass, and the beach.
27. I have an unhealthy addiction to reality TV.
28. I had a pet rat when I was little...
29. ...His name was Rutger.
30. I love Christmas time, except for when I get trampled at the store, and then I dream of summer.
31. My first concert was Uncle Kracker, he was my favorite growing up.
32. The first time I saw the ocean was in Cancun, Mexico and I have loved the tropical life ever since.
33. I am capable of forgiving, but never forgetting.
34. I'd do anything to help a friend.
35. Carbs are my weakness.
36. I would love to be able to speak Spanish fluently.
37. I lobe hiking, and camping, and being in the woods.
38. I love grocery shopping and cooking.
39.  I am going to MSU next year...
40. ...and majoring in cell and molecular biology...
41. ...I then want to go to medical school at University of California San Diego...
42. ...and become a Plastic Surgeon...
43. ...eventually I want to open my own practice.
44. I have had 5 surgeries.
45. I want a Pomsky more than anything.
46. I can be very stubborn, especially when something is very important to me...or I don't get my way.
47. I would much prefer working out in the morning. No better way to start the day than with a good sweat.
48. Someday I want to hike the Camino trail in Spain.
49. Amusement parks, and fairs make me happy.
50. Road trips are the best.
51. Number one on my bucket list is to Sky dive.
52. Number two is to hike Machu Picchu.
53. I actually enjoy airports, and flying. It means I am going somewhere.
54. Sparkly things make me happy.
55. I love watching HGTV.
56. I always over pack when getting ready to go on a trip...
57. ...and put off unpacking for a couple of weeks.
58. I am the type of person who can never find anything to wear, but I have a closet full of clothes.
59. Mexican food is my favorite.
60. Chinese and Italian are close seconds.
61. I absolutely love going to farmers markets and buy fresh orgainc produce.
62. I imagine many people are getting bored by now and thinking of skipping ahead. I know this, because it's the sort of thing I do. Despite this, I never jump to the last chapter of a book - what a waste of a good journey!
63. If I could pick one super power it would be teleportation, because I think it woiuld be so cool to be able to go wherever you wanted to go, whenever you wanted to go there.
64. I only wear socks in my running shoes, rarely in other shoes.
65. I have a hard time saying no, working on this currently.
66. I took piano lessons for 8 years.
67. I went vegetarian for 6 months once and vegan for 2.
68. I am a tea junkie, all types of tea.
69. I am a middle child.
70. I want to live in the UK when I am older.
71. I want a couple of tattoos when I get older, all small and all carrying an important meaning.
72. I love doing calligraphy. I spend hours working on a design, it calms my nerves.
73. I have friends that live all over the world.
74. I hate folding laundry.
75. I love reading, and can get lost in a book for hours.
76. I always get the Snow-monster, when I go to Andy's.
77. I cannot live in a small town. Springfield is too small for me, and I cannot wait to move out after college.
78. I love watching movies, all types of movies.
79. I learned how to use chopsticks when I was 9. My dad taught me.
80. I want to do volunteer work in Ethiopian orphanages one day. 
81. I have amber colored eyes, and I've been told when the sunlight is directly on the they are bright green like a cats eyes.
82.  My first paid job was working for a bouncy house company when I was 14
83. I mentally re-decorate literally every room I go into. 
84. I love the idea of just getting into a car, and driving. 
85. I will always choose a fruity dessert over a chocolate one. 
86. I speak with a funny accent...
87. ...I am from America but I say my O's as if I was born somewhere else...
88. ...Some people say that I sound like I'm British, others Australian.
89. Hydrangeas are my favorite flower. 
90. Sometimes, when I start eating ice cream I struggle to stop.
91. I was born in 1999...
92. ...And I want to live to be a 3 century woman. 
93. Usually I don't tend to care about what you think of me, unless you are someone very important in my life.
94.  I detest using pencils as bookmarks, dog-earing pages, or even carelessly marking lines without a ruler.
95. People who don't know me think I'm shy, and people that do know me wish I were!
96. I can go on for the day with just breakfast and a cup of coffee.
97. I have a serious obsession with collecting coffee mugs, I have over 30 in my collection currently.
98. I can't go to bed without reading part of my book.
99. I love wearing oversized sweatshirts, I could spend the rest of my life in them. 
100. I love to day dream.
101. FINALLY… I love the journey, but I get a certain satisfaction when I reach the destination.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Music To My Ears

1) It depends on what type of music I am listening to. Typically when I'm with my girls, we listen to music to hype us up, music that we can scream at the top of our lungs. When I am by myself I listen to music with meaning, music with lyrics that move you. And other times I listen to feel good music, music to make me happy
2) My favorite song is the first song that I can remember being my favorite. It is drift away by Uncle Kracker. He was my first concert, I love his songs, and he holds a sentimental place in my heart.. He is the person that started my love for music. I will forever be grateful to him. 
6) Without music, the world would be lonely. It would be silent, and cold. Music brings happiness and belonging to a lot of people in the world. No matter your culture or ethnicity, no matter where you are from or how you are raised music brings us together. It connects us all, it is something we all have in common, something we can all share. 
9) An event that sticks out to me when it comes to music, is a series of events. When I was little my mom and I had two songs, 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' and 'Ain't No Mountain High Enough'. Every night my mom would sing 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' to me, and every time we were in an elevator we would sing 'Ain't No Mountain High Enough' together. 
15) Ever since I was a little girl, when someone would ask me what I wanted to do when I was older I would reply by saying that I wanted to be a famous singer. I have always had a love and passion for singing. If an opportunity came my way, or I am unhappy with what I choose to do in the future I will jump at the chance to sing professionally. 

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Food For Thought

Food for my family has always been a weird topic. We go through phases of healthy eating and cheating. It is a constant cycle for us. I was told things like "forever on you hips a second on your lips," or "it doesn't taste as good as skinny feels" all my life. Hearing those things made my relationship with food a little different. I? always hid when I ate food, and I still do because I am afraid I will get judged or that my mom will say something to me about how I am gaining weight. I went through a bad phase of starvation and then binge  and sometimes I would even purge or use a laxative because I was so afraid of what my mom and people would see if they saw me eating food, and bad food at that. I thankfully have gotten past that, and am working on getting better with my body and who I am as a person, thankfully I have some really great friends that have helped me and are still helping me to this day. I am still working on my body image and my body but I am doing it in a healthy way with exercise and a good diet. My friends and I go to workouts together and go on clean eating challenges, and support and help each other. I have come to find a love for food and working out and I am becoming a happier, healthier, and more pleasant person in my life and other peoples.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Children's Story Draft

Pretty Penny Penguin and the Recess Queen

It was a usual sunny day in the north pole and Pretty Penny Penguin went out to play 

She climbed, and swung, jumped and hung, running around the playground

She was about to get onto the monkey bars when she was shoved out of the way

She whipped around and standing before her was Susie Seal. Penny yelled out "Hey!"

"Watch it Penguin, better be careful,  or someone will come and getcha!"

So Pretty Penny Penguin left the monkey bars and went to the slide when she tripped over a foot and fell down the slide head first 

From the top of the slide Susie Seal yelled " watch it penguin, better be careful, or someone will come and getcha!"

Penny ran from the slide crying and went to the swing by herself when she was swinging back and forth someone came up behind her and  pushed her hard off the swing. 

She went flying off the swing and landed with a hard thud on the ground 

And Susie said "Watch it penguin, better be careful, or someone will come and getcha" 

Penny had, had enough! "Susie Seal, stop being mean you are not the recess queen. You cannot push, and shove, trip, or speak of these hurtful words. We can share the playground! You and me, we can have fun just you wait and see!"

The next day Pretty Penny Penguin and Susie Seal went to the monkey bars together, laughing and skipping all across the playground. The recess queen had found a new friend!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Author Bio

Madison Albert is an new children's book author, but has already got her foot in the door. Growing up she loved to ready Judy Blume and Robert N. Munsch. Some of her favorite books include, If You Give a Mouse A Cookie and Love you Forever. She grew up in Springfield MO, and graduated from Kickapoo High School, continuing her education at Missouri state University. She hopes to become an established author and create her own line of popular children's books. Her books are based off of lessons that she learned throughout her childhood.

Books For Kids

Caps For Sale by: Esphyr Slobodkina

Esphyr was a talented painter, sculptor, designer, author-illustrator, teacher, and amateur architect. On the cover a man is sleeping on a tree with a stack of caps on the ground and monkeys peeking out from behind the tree. There are 39 pages. The setting at the beginning is of a small town, the story ends at a tree. The book is about a man who is having a hard time selling the caps so he takes a nap. Then monkeys take his hat and he wakes up and tries to get them back. There are animal characters in the back, a lesson is being taught, there are adult characters, and lots of illustrations with color, there is one phrase that is repeated 'Caps! caps for sale! Fifty cents a cap! The book is targeted around toddlers. I used to love this book as a little kid.   

Friday, March 31, 2017

Childhood Questions

4. I always had my best friend by my side growing up. We had been best friends since we were born. She was a day older than me. We went to preschool together and when we started elementary school we still hung out all the time, we were inseparable. We did everything together. Then middle school came around and we started to drift apart and get closer to the friends that we had made. I was a cheerleader and she did swimming. But we still hung out and did things together. Now its high school, and I can't remember the last time that we hung out, it has been forever. When we see each other in the hallway we say high and catch up a little. She is a life long friend she will always have that history with me that I can't make with anyone else. She is going to the same college as me so who knows maybe we will we kindle our friendship there?

9. There are lots of things that I know about my family that I wish I could pretend that I never found out, and still live in harmony. As a little kid I always could tell that something wasn't right. My mom and dad acted different than other parents. They were always drinking, but when I stayed at other parents houses I didn't see them drink. It's funny the things kids pick up on but parents think they don't. I wish I didn't know how crooked and messed up my grandparents were, both sides of grandparents. I wish I didn't know what it was like to lose a family member, even though they didn't die.

13. My favorite toy was a doll I was given when I was born. I named her after my big sisters best friend Tessa. I carried her around everywhere. She got so worn out and tattered that one day her leg fell off and we had to sew it back on. I took that doll to church, the grocery store, preschool, road trips, and I slept with her. That doll did not leave my side. 

21. As a child I was the happiest thing, I always had a smile on my face. I would wake up with a smile on my face, and it took a lot to make it go away. Now I have had some pretty bad things happen to me in my life that have taken my innocence away, I still smile all the time, but I have my days that will remind me of my past and what happened in it and it can easily upset me. I am more afraid to do things because I'm worried about what might happen, I am insecure, and I have a really hard time trusting people. I am trying, and have dedicated this year to be the year that I try and move on and get back to the person that I use to be. I miss t