Thursday, April 27, 2017

Food For Thought

Food for my family has always been a weird topic. We go through phases of healthy eating and cheating. It is a constant cycle for us. I was told things like "forever on you hips a second on your lips," or "it doesn't taste as good as skinny feels" all my life. Hearing those things made my relationship with food a little different. I? always hid when I ate food, and I still do because I am afraid I will get judged or that my mom will say something to me about how I am gaining weight. I went through a bad phase of starvation and then binge  and sometimes I would even purge or use a laxative because I was so afraid of what my mom and people would see if they saw me eating food, and bad food at that. I thankfully have gotten past that, and am working on getting better with my body and who I am as a person, thankfully I have some really great friends that have helped me and are still helping me to this day. I am still working on my body image and my body but I am doing it in a healthy way with exercise and a good diet. My friends and I go to workouts together and go on clean eating challenges, and support and help each other. I have come to find a love for food and working out and I am becoming a happier, healthier, and more pleasant person in my life and other peoples.

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