Thursday, April 6, 2017

Books For Kids

Caps For Sale by: Esphyr Slobodkina

Esphyr was a talented painter, sculptor, designer, author-illustrator, teacher, and amateur architect. On the cover a man is sleeping on a tree with a stack of caps on the ground and monkeys peeking out from behind the tree. There are 39 pages. The setting at the beginning is of a small town, the story ends at a tree. The book is about a man who is having a hard time selling the caps so he takes a nap. Then monkeys take his hat and he wakes up and tries to get them back. There are animal characters in the back, a lesson is being taught, there are adult characters, and lots of illustrations with color, there is one phrase that is repeated 'Caps! caps for sale! Fifty cents a cap! The book is targeted around toddlers. I used to love this book as a little kid.   

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