I enter into the gates of heaven
unsure of what is to come up ahead, I walk forward
A shining light shines in the far distance and a sound of beautiful angles singing in the choir
As I approach the light I see a rainbow and a throne
upon that thrown is he sits
all powerful he is glowing, almost to bright to look at
I have made it
I kneel to the ground prepared to answer the questions he has
But he doesn't ask any instead he stands and approaches me
before telling me to return to my home, today it not the day I enter heaven
The princess has been locked in the tower
The same tower as the big red dragon
If she wakes the dragon no good will come of it.
Suddenly a gust of fire is seen from the top of the tower.
The Princess is in trouble! Someone has to go up and save her
I rush to the top of the tower to see her in the had of the dragon
I fight with all of my might, poking and prodding at the dragon with my sword
It starts to get tired and weak
I go in for the kill and I stand on top and spear him once and for all
I have defeated the dragon and saved the princess
I like that twist at the end of the first one...God sending the speaker back to earth rather than asking the questions.